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Editorial CESA [85]
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El texto antes de la imagen: los elementos de titulación en la visualización de datos
(2024)Capítulo 18 del libro La cuestión de la comunicación desde las universidades: enfoques multidisciplinares. La presente monografía recoge una serie de textos de corte investigador que abordan distintos enfoques y perspectivas ... -
The role of value in extending the lifetime of products: an analysis of perceived value and green consumption values on pro-circular behaviors of repair and reuse
(MDPI, 2024-02-13)Promoting circular business models is a clear path to tackling current environmental and social issues. The success of these models depends not only on companies in charge of creating new products, processes, and models ... -
The value effect of sustainability: evidence from Latin American ESG bond market
(Taylor and Francis Group, 2024-05-06)We use the event study methodology to examine the effect of 115 environmental, social, and governance (ESG) bond issuances on the stock price of Latin American listed firms over the period 2016–2022. Consistent with the ... -
Artificial intelligence in biocapacity and ecological footprint prediction in latin America and the caribbean
(Springer, 2024-06-14)In the face of decades of unsustainable development that has led to significant depletion of resources and environmental imbalances, the need for advanced methods to understand and mitigate adverse environmental effects ... -
The role of intellectual and social capital in funding businesses: a cross-country analysis
(Emerald Publishing, 2024-03-07)Purpose: The study aims to examine the impact of intellectual and social capital in funding businesses. Design/methodology/approach: The study made use of fixed-effects panel data models with a sample of 142 countries ... -
The quality of service and supply chain effectiveness of high-level hospitals in Cali, Colombia
(Inderscience Publishers, 2024-07-02)The service supply chain aims at managing the adequate flow of information, processes, and capacity across its members to provide product service that meets customer expectations. This study focuses on healthcare organisations' ... -
Organizational learning, quality and safety culture in patient care: comparing Colombia and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
(Emerald Publishing, 2024-03-05)Purpose The purpose of this study is to determine the interactions between factors such as organizational learning, feedback about errors, punitive response to errors and communication quality in hospitals in the Kingdom ... -
Reviews, trust, and customer experience in online marketplaces : the case of Mercado Libre Colombia
(Frontiers Media S.A., 2024-09-17)Purpose: The research focuses on the crucial role of online reviews in shaping consumer trust in e-commerce platforms, examining the impact of perceived authentic and fake reviews on purchasing decisions and platform ... -
The mediating role of eco-innovation between adaptive environmental strategy, absorptive capacity, and environmental performance
(MDPI, 2024-07-30)This article delves into the role of adaptive environmental strategies, absorptive capacity, and eco-innovation in enhancing environmental performance, particularly in the context of market turbulence. The study, conducted ... -
How do good governance practices affect mining companies? Peru’s case
(AfricaGrowth Institute, 2024-05-01)The purpose of this research is to find a relationship between compliance with the principles of good Corporate Governance and the performance of the shares of companies in the mining sector that are listed on the Lima ... -
Resources integrators in social media : an analysis of value cocreation
(Emerald Publishing Limited, 2024-10-29)Purpose This study aims to identify the groups of value cocreators in the context of social media in the retail banking industry and resources that predict customer membership among different groups of value cocreators. ... -
Evaluating asset pricing anomalies: evidence from Latin America
(Elsevier B.V., 2024-06-01)We analyze the significance of 51 asset pricing anomalies in Latin America. We examine economic significance via portfolio simulations that dilute the effect of microcaps. To avoid reporting false discoveries, we employ a ... -
Knowledge management and its impact on social performance in solidarity organizations: the role of absorptive capacity and organizational learning
(CIRIEC, 2024-03-13)La literatura existente presenta evidencia limitada de investigaciones sobre gestión del conocimiento en organizaciones dentro de las organizaciones que forman parte de la economía social y solidaria. Así, este estudio ... -
Legacy of the past, challenges of the present : contemporary data colonialism
(Universidad ORT Uruguay, 2024-05-09)El surgimiento de las redes masivas de comunicación gracias a Internet ha generado un cambio significativo en la sociedad al permitir un acceso sin precedentes a la información. Este fenómeno ha propiciado la recolección ... -
From crisis to opportunity through innovation
(Emerald Publishing Limited, 2024-09-04)Purpose This study aims to explore the strategic decisions at innovation level implemented by firms to thrive and transform themselves during crises. This study also aims to provide insights to answer the question: Why do ... -
El CESA : 50 años a la vanguardia de la formación empresarial en Colombia
(Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración - CESA, 2024)El CESA, 50 años a la vanguardia de la formación empresarial en Colombia reconstruye la trayectoria de una de las instituciones educativas más emblemáticas del país. El texto se basa en los resultados de una exhaustiva ... -
Amarte : para reconstruir los roles de género
(Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración - CESA, 2023)¿Por qué las mujeres tienen baja participación en la toma de decisiones dentro de los ámbitos familiar, social, organizacional, empresarial, político e incluso personal? 1. ¿Cuáles y dónde están las barreras que propician ... -
Learning specialists and market resilience
(Elsevier Inc., 2023-03-01)In this paper, I address the stochastic behavior of asset prices set by an imperfectly informed specialist who uses learning technology to refine her knowledge of the order flow. The specialist’s endogenous choice of an ... -
Job satisfaction and leadership behavior brief measures : a development and validation study
(Emerald Group Publishing, 2023-04-10)Purpose Job satisfaction and leadership behavior are recognized by the organizational world as fundamental elements that influence the overall effectiveness of a company. However, as the first step for an adequate intervention ... -
The role of imported intermediates in productivity change
(Taylor & Francis, 2023-04-24)We address the role of imported intermediates in productivity by applying a methodology that proposes an equivalence between input–output analysis and data envelopment analysis, and decomposes sectoral productivity gains ...