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dc.rights.licenseTodos los derechos reservados
dc.contributor.authorCayon-Fallon, Edgardospa
dc.description.abstractHowever, one key difference between this crisis and other crises in the past was the resilience (immunity) or the short term effect of the crisis on emerging markets. Dooley and Hutchison (2009) were the first ones to find evidence in support of the decoupling hypothesis of emerging markets during the early phases of the crisis. Since then the hypothesis have been tested by other researchers (for recent surveys see: Beirne and Gieck, 2014; Koksal and Orhan, 2013).eng
dc.format.extent103 páginasspa
dc.publisherColegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración - CESA
dc.rightsCopyright Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración CESA 2015
dc.rightsCopyrights Edgardo Cayón Fallón 2015
dc.subjectAdministración y Empresaspa
dc.subject.ddc332.456 / C318e
dc.titleThe Effects of contagion during the global financial crisis in government regulated And sponsored assets in emerging markets : the case of Colombian pension funds and State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in BRIC countries
dc.rights.localAcceso restringido (solo lectura en línea)
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dc.type.localLibro de investigaciónspa
dc.subject.bisac[BUS000000] Negocios económicos ; General
dc.subject.thema[KJ] Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión ; Empresa y gestión
dc.description.editionPrimera edición
dc.contributor.orcidCayon-Fallon, Edgardo [0000-0002-4113-5521]
dc.subject.armarcCrisis financieraspa
dc.subject.armarcPaís en desarrollo - Colombiaspa
dc.subject.armarcRiesgo - Finanzasspa
dc.subject.armarcEmpresas - Toma de decisiones - Colombiaspa
dc.contributor.scopusCayon-Fallon, Edgardo [56395390800]

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